Thursday, November 25, 2010

Christmas customs and traditions

Christmas holidays abounds in interesting traditions and customs. Some of these customs of Christmas and traditions are warmly religious, while others are secular and relaxed. Some countries also have a national flavor in Christmas traditions. Therefore, course, customs and traditions of Christmas are singular or homogeneous throughout the world. These keep vary from region to region and from one country to another. Such as the exchange of gifts, Christmas tree decorations popular Christmas traditions, Christmas, shoot Holly kissing in the GUI, log etc. are more or less common to all locations.

In Christian countries Christmas became the largest party of the year, economically speaking. Christmas is celebrated for a period of twelve days after December 25 at the United Kingdom. This 12-day Christmas tradition is marked by the great celebration feasts and ends on the night of the Kings or the feast of the Epiphany.This custom stretching Christmas celebrations is gaining in popularity by the year .the Christmas celebrations begin weeks prior to the day the United States and the United Kingdom to extend holiday shopping season and also to allow more time for meetings and greetings.

Countries celebrate Christmas on December 25, call 'The night before Christmas' Eve and the next day with the names of variables.Some like the Germany, the Poland call the second day of Christmas, some Commonwealth countries call the day after Christmas Boxing Day while the Irish and Romanians call St. Stephen pagan Day.Certains Christmas customs and traditions incorporated by Christian missionaries in their celebration of Christmas, but conservative Christians abstain from this celebration of Christmas. Christmas celebrations are prohibited in the Soviet Union for 75 years after the Russian Revolution and Christian fundamentalist extremists still consider Christmas a pagan celebration, prohibited by the Bible and therefore strictly prevent offshore celebrate it.

But apart from these serious and religious connotations in Christmas customs and traditions there are secular, more relaxed Noël.Par example day celebrations, the tradition of Christmas gifts is one of the most common traditions Festival regardless of region or country. Friends and families exchange of gifts and greetings, children hang down in the United States or keep it empty toy boxes for Santa Claus to fill in with toys, candy or other gifts. In some places, it is a custom and tradition for children to put shoes on the windowsills on the night of Christmas.

An a very popular and inseparable the customs and traditions of Christmas is the Christmas card. Whether your closest pal, or a distant relative, your teacher or your colleagues, your family or your neighbour, everyone gets a Christmas card. Even when people are separated by miles, a Christmas card 'Miss You' is sure to meet more often.

Decoration of houses and the Christmas tree are still well-known Christmas, customs and traditions.It is great fun for the whole family decking the halls and doors with banners, candles, the stars or Holly or since the whole bunch of friends decorate Christmas Evergreen branches. Candy canes are a very favourite Christmas candy, serving also décorations.Traditionnellement people also decorate the outside of the House as well as inside. Sometimes the Christmas decorations are sponsored by the municipalities.

Christmas parties formed a fun part of the holiday and celebration that an customs and traditions of Christmas special Christmas .Repas having a special Christmas menu are usually served in many countries. Whereas in other places, particularly in Eastern, families quickly for a few days before the feast of Christmas.

In many countries, Christmas parades and dances of Christmas (story of the history of Christ) is traditionally held every year. Goes singing in groups is yet another custom Christmas tradition and very popular.In this regard, the people will sing carols door-to-door simply to keep the spirit of the holiday season, alive and fresh. Sometimes people visit houses district for a good cause too, as for raising donations and fundraising for the oppressed and the poor.

With the loud celebration Christmas stay thin, Christmas is still observed as a primarily religious feast for many people around the world.It is time for introspection, spiritual revival, silent prayer, reading quotes from the Bible, seeking religious blessings and wishing the joys and the good news to all the days to come.Ceremonies are considerably watered down the religious ceremony of Noël.Carols and hymns were sung in churches and houses, funds are raised for a good cause, volunteer works are carried out and people visiting friends, neighbors and the cost of the places of encounters and traditional dishes of Christmas.Air-filled one gentle tranquility and warmth.A sense of joy and well-being reverberates throughout autour.Personnes mutually want peace, prosperity, happiness, and a very "happy Christmas".

Religious customs and traditions of Christmas begins with advent, the day when the birth of Jesus Christ was planned).It is early décembre.coutumes and traditions of the religious celebration include advent singing and calendars, sometimes also sweets and other goodies for the enfants.Minuit weight or mass of the Nativity, featuring Carols of Christmas, prayers and hymns, take place usually the night before Christmas and Christmas day.

Other religions such as Judaism and islam are also giving way to secular traditions of the feast of Christmas in their own holiday winter .Pays Islamic Jesus as a prophet and Judaism celebrate their winter festival and an equivalent of Christmas, Hanukkah by décembre.ainsi, Christmas, customs and traditions are numerous and are modified or incorporated differently by different cultures and ethnicities across the world.