Saturday, November 20, 2010

Christmas games

Just because gifts is opened and the paper strewn about the living room does not mean fun Christmas is over. Add some fun party game for Christmas day to extend the fun Christmas.

If you have a large collection of Christmas day, have fun with the game's hat. When they arrive, give everyone a Santa hat.These are cheap and can be purchased for $ 1 at the dollar store or even less in bulk, if you plan ahead. as all of their activities go to obtain food, want to chat with others, and the like, the room look very festive with all bear their Santa hats.

The object of this game is not, however, have your hat on.As people forget hats, the object is to get rid of your hat and not be the last one wearing a Santa hat. Inevitably there will be one person so wrapped up in a conversation or a buffet table, forgets to take away from their hat, and they will be left the game, the loser. This is a game that is played again and again as you head up with the day's festivities.

One fun memory game as children especially like to is to make all the careful attention to all the gifts that are opened on Christmas day. When gifts are removed from the room (or you remove you from the gift room) have all try to remember each gift all got.Include socks and any food gifts. Tell people, they only have to remember the items that were opened, day, no gifts received and opened prior to Christmas. This can be a fun game, which is particularly popular with children because they love to relive the gift of magic. In addition, if they were so immersed in their own gifts, they do not notice any else this is was a good opportunity for them to educate themselves about what all day.

If you need a game to keep everyone busy before dinner, try the game of "guess me." Buy some big heavy socks, not low-rise, but the type that is worn outdoors in winter, there is thick and come at least to the calf. Insert multiple elements in the socks. Check the identical items are in each sock.These elements should be related to Christmas in some way, you can include a small ornament, Scotch tape, a pinecone, a Hershey kiss and the like.Have each person feel socks (have two socks just makes the game go faster, but you can play with just one sock), and write down their guesses about what is in the socks.Remember to tell all, how many items are on each sock.The winner will get you guessed it, one of the socks!

If you have a bunch of wanna-be performers in your group Christmas day, how about playing a little game of "Christmas Idol"? set a small table for 2 persons (or individuals if they wish) "judges" and have the team sing a Christmas carol. tell them to have a lot of fun with the song, and even add a Santa hat or other elements, dress-up, if they wish. Winners may take home a CD of Christmas music. this game is very fun, if only the children want to perform and be judged by adults or if, vice versa adults do and have been convicted of children.